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Chips sales rising

RFID industry group RAIN Alliance has found a 32 percent increase in UHF RAIN RFID tag chip shipments in the past year,
with a total of 44.8 billion chips shipped around the globe, produced by the four top suppliers of RAIN RFID semiconductors and tags.

That number is more than six billion tag chips higher than forecast for the year, based on a 2022 VDC Research market research report
in November 2022. That earlier report, commissioned by the RAIN Alliance, predicted 38 billion shipments in 2023. The same prediction
report anticipated shipments rising to 88.5 billion by 2026.

Four Chip Manufacturers Weigh In
While tag chip sales have been tracking at approximately 20 percent increase each year since 2020, last year’s growth showed a significant
uptick based on several factors: increased demand for RFID across multiple sectors (especially in retail), and a backlog of chip orders created
by pandemic-era supply chain issues that is now being addressed.
